Collette lives in Northern California, where she settled after earning her BA in Creative Writing from the University of California, Davis. After several jobs in journalism and corporate writing, she returned to school to get her MA in Education along with Multiple and Single Subject credentials and subsequently her Administrative credential.
After spending decades of her life in an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, she finally found peace and meaning through sobriety on March 13, 2019. She writes about her experiences here, on Wine2Water.blog, which she started in October 2019. Collette doesn’t subscribe to any one way to stop drinking, and describes her “patchwork” version of recovery and what works for her. Collette’s goal and purpose is to connect with others trying to improve their lives through sobriety and to help others realize the truth about alcohol.
Her day job is helping pregnant and parenting teens beat the odds and earn their high school diploma. When she isn’t trying to figure it all out, she enjoys being outdoors and traveling with her husband and three children.