Weekend Book Review: An Unlasting Home

In an effort to reflect and share the new passions I found once I ditched alcohol, I’m starting a weekend book review, featuring some of my favorite books. This weekly feature will share my insights and recommendations on literary and historical fiction and well as non-fiction quit-lit, memoirs, nature, Christian and self-help. My hope is Read More

Conversations with God in the Night

Lately, I find myself having conversations with God in the middle of the night. Actually, it’s more early morning hours, but definitely during my 6-7 hour sleep window. I’m protective of my sleep now that I don’t drink. When you go from disrupted, tortured sleep being the norm, you want to proctect and preserve your Read More

Covered in Love

One of the small delights of spring is watching the arrival of baby birds and the devoted care they receive from their mothers. At the lake I saw a killdeer huddled up on the shore and I thought it strange because they usually skitter along the water’s edge, busily feeding. She finally popped up and Read More

May’s Word of the Month: Bloom

I like words that are both nouns and verbs. The trees and flowers are in full bloom. My life, since I quit drinking, is blooming. When I think of the word bloom, I picture delicate buds opening, patience rewarded, and beauty released. This month, I want to live in full bloom. I changed the tagline Read More

April Intentions Update: Action and Avoidance

April, rather than being “the cruelest month,” as T.S. Eliot proclaimed, was a pendulum of action and avoidance. In some areas of my life, I made great progress and growth. In others, I found myself the cork bobbing on the wave of a week, as described in my last post. Sometimes intentions guide the day, Read More