Goodbye to the Season of my Discontent

Why do we always tend to look toward another time, season, life circumstance to find contentment? When I finish school and start my career… When I can quit my job and raise children… When my kids are older and more independent… When we are kid-free and have extra time… When we retire and have the Read More

Presence Over Perfection

I am walking on the beach, comforted by the steady constancy of the waves. Closing my eyes, I feel the warmth of the sun on my eyelids and my face. The wet sand gives way underneath the weight of my feet and collects between my toes. Opening my eyes, I scan the sand and find Read More

We Are Stories Still Going

We are wired for stories because we live them. We love hearing others’ stories because they help us make sense of our own. As human beings on this planet, we get to experience all the things: heavy and light, beautiful and difficult, hopeful and uncertain. Our stories are usually a balance of difficult versus easy, Read More

Finding My Voice

I’m not a hand raiser. In school, I often knew answers to questions but chose to recite them silently as someone else spoke them aloud. My teachers reprimanded me for doodling in class, even though I took in every word of their (let’s be honest, long-winded) lectures. Impending oral presentations justified lying awake in bed Read More

Pressing Your Luck

You don’t often recognize it as it’s happening, especially if your judgement is impaired. It’s more likely that you brush it off and move on, especially if it is a result of your own bad choices. A narrow escape. A fortunate outcome. Someone looking out for you… The capacity for denial is deep; the fear Read More