March Intentions Update: Learning to Play Again

The month of March felt both short and long, containing setbacks and spurts forward, much like the overall journey of life. Some of my intentions for mind, body and spirit fell by the wayside this month, and I’m still unsure whether I will pick them up again. Maybe consistently not doing something is a sign Read More

How Self Care Changes When You’re Sober

Yesterday, I was sick enough to take a day off work. My daughter and I both have a rather nasty cough (but not Covid). I texted my dad that I was home and he didn’t need to come let our dogs out, something he does for us since we work and he’s retired and loves Read More

Begin at the End

Endings are often beginnings. Saying goodbye opens a door. Walking away means walking toward An over-due death yields a life reborn. Why do we cling to what needs releasing? Grasping tightly with blind might When we know that it is darkness, and what we deserve is light. Why do we fall into the wrong patterns Read More

Three Years Sober: Going Places

“Step into the fire of self-discovery. This fire will not burn you, it will only burn what you are not.“ Mooji Here I sit, in the blessedly warm, quiet house, reflecting on three years of sobriety. Doves cooing soothingly through the chimney, hot coffee and small dogs, my loyal companions. Never mind that I’m seized Read More

Good Enough

Lately, my 9-year-old is showing some concerning tendencies. There are so many admirable things about my daughter: her kindness, bravery, intelligence, athleticism and creativity being a few. As her mom, I am intentional about not placing rigid or high expectations upon her, but her words lately are confirming that she does this on her own. Read More

March’s Word of the Month: Cultivate

Spring is early in our area; last week contained several 70+degree days and this morning brings a cool, light drizzle. March marks the beginning of the growing season, a time to prepare and cultivate. I chose the word cultivate to focus on this month because it is the time of year I get intentional about Read More