Begin at the End

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

Endings are often beginnings.

Saying goodbye opens a door.

Walking away means walking toward

An over-due death yields a life reborn.

Why do we cling to what needs releasing?

Grasping tightly with blind might

When we know that it is darkness,

and what we deserve is light.

Why do we fall into the wrong patterns

When they threaten to swallow us whole

Why do we settle for living in captivity

When freedom is an obtainable goal.

Why do we exist in a dingy room of lies

When we can open the door to a vibrant truth.

Why do we return to what treats us badly

Like a naive and love-sick youth.

Because it’s all we know.

Because we think we are protecting ourselves.

Because we are afraid of what’s on the other side.

I am here to tell my story,

And I’ve seen the other side.

When what is known is regret and self loathing,

The unknown is an honest, peaceful life.

As this new terrain becomes familiar,

You will look back and see

That the end was really the beginning,

Once you open the door and leave.

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