It’s Your Choice

The Bad News The bad news is that we underestimate the power of our own choices and our role in creating our lives. We make hundreds of choices a day: many small, some more significant and others habitual, which we don’t give any thought to at all. When choices become habits, just “something we do,” Read More

The Place You Belong

“Sometimes the place that you are used to is not the place where you belong.” —from the movie The Queen of Katwe A “place” can be physical or metaphorical. In teaching at-risk students for 12 years, I’ve learned many of them feel they don’t belong in their own homes. And many times, I’ve agreed. We Read More

Tahoe Blue

Lake Tahoe was the perfect place to spend time with my husband before he leaves on a four-month work trip. The lake is so tied to memory for me that visiting it is like coming home to see an old friend. Driving down into the mouth of the valley is like getting a warm hug, Read More

Know Thyself

 In order to love yourself, you must first know who YOU are. Just as it is impossible to love a stranger, you need to spend time getting to know yourself. This includes a lot of self-reflection and awareness, or noticing, what you respond to and why. Whatever makes your soul happy…do more of that. One Read More


About two months into my sobriety journey, I came across the following quote from one of my heroes, Brene Brown: “Are you the adult you want your child to become?” Ouch. I immediately winced, the pain, shame and regret from drinking for the entirety of my three children’s lives still haunting my every waking moment. Read More