The typical school year is a long, steady race to the finish line; most teachers take some time in June to pause. I chose the word Pause, even though I am teaching summer school for most of the month, because this time of year contains some space, a pause to rest and reflect, nap and nurture.
I’m choosing to pause before I turn another year older in July and take stock of what my life looks like versus what I wish it were. How am I filling my time? What am I consuming? Am I choosing effectiveness over efficiency? The last question came from a the Daily Jay today on my Calm app. We often take time to plan and prepare the most efficient way to do things or get through the day, but efficiency doesn’t mean effective. Do we view time as something to fill with productive tasks or a chance to do the things we love with intention and dedication? I need to pause and do less things with more intention.
When I think about what I’m consuming, it’s not just about the physical, but also the mental and spiritual. As far as what I put in my body, I still remind myself that what I no longer consume (alcohol) is as significant as what I do. And maybe this is true mentally as well. My husband and I have an ongoing disagreement because he likes to come home after work and turn on the news while I’m making dinner and have to listen. His view is that I need to stay informed and not “put my head in the sand.” My view, as I’ve shared here before, is that my mental health is more important. I refuse to be a puppet pulled by strings of anxiety created by political media organizations. In other words, I’m choosing to pause and NOT consume what’s on the “news.”
June is the perfect opportunity to pause, to breathe, to regroup and make sure we are heading where we want to go. I hope you take time to pause and be intentional about crafting your days. Here are some of my favorite quotes that include Pause:
It’s not only moving that creates new starting points. Sometimes all it takes is a subtle shift in perspective, an opening of the mind, an intentional pause and reset, or a new route to start to see new options and new possibilities.
Kristin Armstrong
In many a piece of music, it’s the pause or the rest that gives the piece its beauty and its shape. And I know I, as a writer, will often try to include a lot of empty space on the page so that the reader can complete my thoughts and sentences and so that her imagination has room to breathe.
Pico Iyer
Silence is the pause in me when I am near to God.
Arvo Part
I’m right with you Collette on the so called “news”. I like this idea of pausing. I’m right in the midst of big home remodel project and am craving things all being put back into some sort of order.
Relish in the messiness of the remodel Dwight. 💖
Yes we don’t realize how much we crave order until we’re in the midst of chaos…remember it’s temporary chaos. Have a wonderful weekend.
I agree Collette and have also chosen the month of June for the pause. Here’s to clarity and divine wisdom! ✨️
Time to honor stillness and rest, lovely friend!
Pausing now. Enjoy the slower pace of June!
You too my fellow educator and friend!
I remember the words, pausing is like finding yourself. ❤️
Yes! Thank you. Remembering who you are, and why you’re here. Hugs, friend.