My husband and I squeezed in one more outing before I return to work tomorrow. On the agenda was a quick trip to the coast where we hiked and spent the night at a hotel on the ocean.
It was an eight-mile hike, chosen on the spot and maybe a bit overambitious. When you read the sign that says 4.2 miles and a destination called Shell Beach, you don’t really think about the 4.2 miles back.

Anyway, this was a day originally planned with a full agenda, and then thwarted repeatedly by COVID-19 closures and restrictions. We were trying to make the best of it; staying flexible and cheerful despite not being able to do some of the things we had planned.
This got me thinking about agendas. In years’ past, drinking was the agenda whenever we went on vacations or day trips, and everything else was secondary. If we went to the lake, we got there by late morning, a perfectly acceptable time to order Rum Runners from the waitresses wandering the beach. Waiting for a table was never a problem because there was a bar with drinks before dinner. Everything we did on vacation was accompanied by drinks and drinking. The snorkeling cruise, sunning by the pool. Long lunches that included naps afterward, and before heading out again to long nights.
On this little trip, we arrived at the ocean hotel later than expected because our hike took so long. My knee, which I’ve been stubbornly ignoring and really should have looked at, was threatening to give out completely as I hobbled to the room, exhausted and hungry. There was a complimentary bottle of wine waiting for us when we walked in.
My dear husband volunteered to go get clam chowder and salads to go at the restaurant across the street. I lay on the bed, watching local TV and looking, from time to time at the bottle of Chardonnay expectantly awaiting a taker. Not today, old friend.
I wasn’t tempted, even though tired, hungry, and alone. I thought about all we did and saw that day and how I wouldn’t have even taken that hike a few years ago, but would have lay on the beach drinking all day instead. The old agenda.
The next morning I woke early, feeling refreshed. The hesitant sunlight made its way through the front window, which overlooked a garden and the ocean beyond. I jumped out of bed and grabbed my new binoculars, looking out the window expectantly.

Sunlight danced with foggy mist. I saw a family of quail in the garden, picking through the leaf litter for breakfast. There were cows meandering in the meadow at the edge of the garden. I focused in on an emerald hummingbird, flitting from flower to flower, kissing each one hello. Beyond the garden, in the bay, a flock of pelicans congregated like a group of old men, congenially bobbing up and down in the water. A blue heron waded nearby, scrutinizing something under the surface.
All this in a matter of minutes. Inviting me to take it all in. Welcoming me to the day, the world. An abundant world filled with things to see, if I will only take the time to notice.

This left me feeling tremendously grateful. Grateful that I have a new agenda. An agenda filled with life instead of dying a thousand little deaths. An agenda filled with hope and beauty, waiting to be seen. Count me in.
I’m so happy for you, and for your time spent living in this new agenda. I relate to so much of what you say all the time. Especially the old way, with every event revolving around alcohol! I look back at some vacations and think “what a waste!” I barely remember anything but the drinks. Anyway, I was beginning to envy you for a minute, it sounds like such a peaceful and wonderful time! But then I just sat back and enjoyed your writing. I LOVE the way you described all of the creatures pieces of nature that you saw once you pulled out your binoculars, and I felt like I had been there too. Beautiful words! xxx 🙂
Ah, I’m so glad you enjoyed my post! I know we share a lot of the same feelings and realizations around drinking and sobriety. I’m just glad we have the opportunity now to view and experience life with clarity and presence. It’s pretty special! 💕
How is it you always manage to write a post that gets to the nub of how I’m feeling? I really want to be grateful that my agenda is different than it was and to feel thankful for my new ‘now’. I just haven’t quite got there yet. 😘❤️
You will when things clear up for you a bit. I have no doubt. 💕
My vacations now that I don’t drink, are adventurous! I see and hear more! Do more, see the beautiful things around me.
Yes to all of that! Thanks, Wendy!💕
whooooa Pelicans?!?!?! Amazing!!! I hope to see some one day 🙂 Glad you made it ok with your knee and got to enjoy the glory of the early morning the next day 🙂 Really lovely post! Good luck with work tomorrow ! xxx Anne
Thank you for your kind words, as always. Life is beautiful…sometimes we have to travel a little to see it! 💕
Hope you’re well! Xx
What a beautiful trip! I loved your descriptions. I can just picture it. Thanks for sharing. ❤️
It was great to get away…if only for 24 hours. Thank you, Leafy! Xx
I love how the next day greeted you with all the beautiful things in life that you’re now seeing with fresh eyes and appreciation. And without the cloud of a hangover!
You’re AMAZING❣️❣️❤️🤗
Looks like a wonderful excursion! And get that knee checked out 👍🏻🤪
Thank you, Teri. Yes life IS beautiful. Sometimes we just need to look around! I’m calling the doctor this week. Is it just me or has everyone been putting off visits to the doctor? Xx
Everyone’s been putting everything off 😉😂
Hope you get in soon and have some promising answers❣️🙏
I think I’m still transitioning to the new agenda. Your so right, its cool to not always be feeling that 1000 deaths feeling. x
Funny what we see when we look with expectation.
This filled my heart. So beautiful. ❤️