I lead a life of privilege in the sense that my physical freedom is not in jeopardy. Enslavement, incarceration, domestic abuse, or other forms of captivity are not my experience to share. I do know how it feels to live in mental captivity, a slave to my own thoughts and actions, and the accompanying feeling of despair. I am here to tell you that freedom, when it finally arrives, is not a moment, but a daily gift you must give yourself in order to remain free.
When I lived inside the brick walls I cobbled piece by piece in my mind, I felt powerless. Unable to flip the switch and turn on the light. Unable to fit the key in the master lock. I existed in the stale space where I wake up vowing to escape, went to bed defeated by sliding down the same slippery wall, yet again. In moments of logic and clarity I knew that I did not want this existence. That alcohol was slowly killing my body, mind and soul. Yet inevitably, the deeply engrained habits, the learned coping mechanisms, and the physiological addiction always won.
Until one morning, when it didn’t.
While freedom starts with a moment, it continues as a daily choice. Freedom is a gift we must accept each day, sometimes many times a day, so that the walls stay down and path remains free of obstruction. Since we are human, and full of flaws and weaknesses, there is no cure-all to save us from our own demise. We may hold the key tightly in our grasp, but the lock is still in our pocket…waiting patiently.
So we must not only accept this daily gift, but also live in it. Freedom is active and intentional and powerful. Each time we deflect a tempting thought, or discard an unhealthy perception, or simply choose to walk away, we are living in our freedom. Every time we pick up a book instead of a glass, or hit our knees in prayer instead of hitting the floor, we are practicing and living in our freedom. And when tragedy hits, or limits are tested and we choose to occupy our grief instead of run from it, we are indeed, experiencing what it means to be free.
In this way, freedom is not a moment, but an essential component of our being. A priceless possession that we do everything, or should do everything, not to lose. A daily gift that wont stop giving, as long as we don’t stop receiving it with purpose and perseverance.
I hope that, today and every day, you give thanks for the gift of freedom. And that you choose to live in it, instead of live through it. If you have not yet accepted this gift, I hope this is your morning.
Love and light.
It’s the best journey ever. Gaining our freedom, gaining control back again. You describe that feeling so beautifully. ❤️
It truly is…and we must not forget to claim it, lest it disappear. Hugs to you, Gary!
Beautifully written! I love when you said “And that you choose to live in it, instead of live through it.” 🙌🏻
Thank you, Jackie. Yes look around and behold what surrounds you, breathe and observe and accept instead of eyes down, head down, rush through. Hope you’re doing well!!
there is still beauty in the world- it’s amazing to witness! Our internal freedom is what allows us to see it- both in ourselves and the space around us…wonderful read:)
Thank you Lovie. Yes, when we are free we can take it all in. When we are captives, we have blinders on and are incapable of seeing the beauty that surrounds us. Hugs to you.
Encouraging reminder Collette❣️
“I am here to tell you that freedom, when it finally arrives, is not a moment, but a daily gift you must give yourself in order to remain free.”
This right here is a powerful truth💣
Your posts undress all the fears and insecurities of being human while also celebrating the triumph of these challenging human conditions.
Such a great post ❤️🤗
Thank you, Teri. It’s a wonderous thing, being human. And often the fears and insecurities, when exposed, illuminate the path to freedom. Hope you are well, friend.
So true ❣️
Our instinct is to protect ourselves but burying pain and insecurity only feeds despair and frustration.
I think the hardest step is surrendering to our insecurities so that we can learn and move forward and your post is so wonderfully encouraging ❤️❤️🤗
I am well❤️😀