
Photo by R Mo on Unsplash
Hi, my name is Collette,

And I'm a human.
Taking it day by day.
Living in the present.
Thanking God for this one, precious life.

I'm a woman.
Learning to love myself.
Pursuing my journey of wellness.
Realizing it's all about perspective.

I'm a wife and a mom.
Journeying through this life with my husband.
Cherishing moments with my three children.
Pushing past tired to experience intimacy.

I'm a daughter.
Loving the people I came from.
Respecting the fact we all have different stories.
Honoring my own path.

I'm a teacher.
Giving each individual an equal chance, and my full attention.
Listening to find answers.
Inspiring those at-risk to realize their potential.

I'm a writer.
Telling my story.
Holding hands and hearts through words.
Cheering on those reaching for the light.

I'm a child of God.
Speaking my truth.
Spreading the word.
Loving many, not just a few.

I'm sober.
Living not existing.
Discovering joy over reasonable happiness.
Feeling gratitude for this freedom, freely given.

I'm a lot of things,
Hope dealer
Free thinker
Grateful believer
Story maker

And above all,
A Giver of Love

I'm Collette,
And it's great to meet you.

20 thoughts on “Introduction

    • gr8ful_collette says:

      Thank you, Gary. I went back to this post and say it would not allow me to like your comment. I will say thank you instead! Xx

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