Spring is early in our area; last week contained several 70+degree days and this morning brings a cool, light drizzle. March marks the beginning of the growing season, a time to prepare and cultivate. I chose the word cultivate to focus on this month because it is the time of year I get intentional about growth, both inside and out.
Wednesday brought the beginning of Lent, and I am participating in a Bible study from Well Watered Women called Confident. This study prompts you to fast from, or lay aside something that is standing in the way of a deeper relationship with God. This may seem funny or trivial to some, but I know others will appreciate my struggle: I decided to give up sweets. Since I quit drinking, I turned to sweets as my reward and for the immediate gratification of endorphins and comfort. I notice the “I deserve it” attitude pop into my mind, that voice who is not my friend, who used to be the “wine witch” now sabotages my best intentions. I’ve been working my tail off exercising and upping my step count, when I know in truth I can’t outrun a bad diet.
I’m not ready to abstain forever from sweets, but I know I need to take a break. In this process of giving-up, I am strengthening my discipline muscle, and I’m removing false gratification. In my hunger, I am inviting filling of a different kind. I am cultivating my relationship with God.
With this process framing my days, I can be intentional about what other practices I cultivate. After lunch when I usually pop several pieces of chocolate into my mouth, I now chew on a piece of gum and take a walk around campus listening to the Daily Jay on my Calm app, or the Abide daily devotional. Breathing deep. Noticing the birds hop around in the giant walnut trees. Cultivating peace and presence. After dinner, when I always have dessert, I opt for a cup of tea or decaf coffee. I focus on moving, whether it’s yoga. cleaning up, or preparing for the next day. And I choose to end the day getting lost in a good book. Cultivating calm, restoration and creativity.
Outside, I am spending more time with my plants and preparing a garden for spring. Pruning and watering my succulent pots. Removing last year’s dead plants from the garden boxes. Preparing the soil for planting next month. Planning tomatoes, zucchini, squash and green beans in one and an herb garden with wildflowers in the other. Cultivating habits of nurturing and growing. Cultivating the earth and anticipation of abundance.
If this all sounds too sunny and perfect, let me say that I often do these things in spite of. In spite of sickness, and broken cars, and injured pets. In spite of discouragement at work, and ailing parents, and atrocities in Europe. Because the more difficult things are around me, the more I know I need to cultivate strength, and endurance and love.
Here are a few of my favorite quotes on the word cultivate:
“Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a daily practice… No one can prevent you from being aware of each step you take or each breath in and breath out.”
Thich Nhat Hanh
“Mindfulness is about love and loving life. When you cultivate this love, it gives you clarity and compassion for life, and your actions happen in accordance with that.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn
“I want to cultivate the seed that was placed in me until the last small twig has grown.”
Kathe Kollwitz
“Cultivate solitude and quiet and a few sincere friends, rather than mob merriment, noise and thousands of nodding acquaintances.”
William Powell
“If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships – the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt
What are you cultivating this month?
I’m with you in this. The two things I switched to after drinking, was coffee and sugar. I’ve taken coffee out, now I’m addicted to herbal tea. A really wonderful person sent me some tea bags that helped start that process. Now I’m trying to ditch the sugar. I can do it really well for days, then I slip up. So today is another first day. ❤️
nice! i really like the term “false gratification” as it truly does describe whatever it is we use without mindfulness in response to a craving. I just started cleaning up my gut health again by eliminating several foods. It’s been 6 days and i have lost 6 lbs and an inch from my waste. Thats all great but more importantly i feel more energetic and less guilt ridden, and a renewed sense of focus and purpose. I had some minor cravings for something to fill that void but i got through them by keeping myself in motion, stretching and drinking ice cold water.