Hi There,
I’m writing this for you.
The one who feels stuck.
Like a bird in a building, or a mouse on a sticky trap,
Knowing that things won’t end well.
I’m writing this as the voice of experience.
One who has been there before,
But managed to break free.
And now wishes she had done it so much sooner.
I’m writing this because I know you.
Your panicked thoughts in the wee hours of the morning.
The anonymous Internet searches for help and validation.
The impossible weight of carrying yourself through another day.
Only to start the whole thing over as you slide down the slippery slope of “I don’t care.”
I’m writing this because I was you.
Bought into the narrative that the bottle cures all.
Refusing to believe life could be fulfilling without the freedom to consume.
When in reality, your freedom begins when the insanity ends.
I’m writing this because I want you to know the truth.
The truth our world won’t tell you:
It IS a poison.
It DOES NOT make things easier or better.
It WILL consume you and everything good in your life,
If you don’t use the key you have possessed all along.
I’m writing this because I want you to get better.
And experience life on the other side.
Not perfect. Not easy.
But real. And rewarding.
I’m writing this because I want you to love yourself again,
Or maybe for the first time ever.
And because your only regret once you quit will be
That you didn’t do it sooner.
I am FOR you and your healing.
For getting to live a real life,
Free of distortions and disease.
If this is you, please reach out.
Rally your courage.
Fight for yourself.
Step onto the path, even if it’s a shaky step.
And keep doing that, stepping and reaching.
Until you start to notice the beautiful view before you,
Instead of the pit of despair around you.
Then, you are on your way.
Get ready…the journey is amazing.
Really, really heartfelt, moving and inspiring. Great stuff ! Jim X
Collette – not sure why but when I try and leave comments it doesn’t seem to work and comes up as anonymous. ! Jim Simmonds X
Thank you, Jim… from now on I’ll just assume you’re Someone…because you are!! 💕
Collette has probably put you in the ‘naughty list’ 🤣🤣
Amazing! After reading this I’m filled with hope, hope that there is a better tomorrow which i have the capability to script!
You absolutely do, my friend. I 100 percent believe that. And you will never regret making the change. 💕
I loved this
Very moving and it thought provoking. I hope others read it too! Xx
Thanks, Claire! So do I! 💕
Beautiful. Kind. Loving. Inspiring❣️
Thank you!!💕
Spot on, Collette! “ Your panicked thoughts in the wee hours of the morning“, was definitely such a theme for me. There is such goodness and hope once you set down the bottle😊
Thank you, Dwight. Me too! Love living in hope now. 💕👍🏻
Oh my gosh this is amazing. You write so beautifully Collette! Even after 4 years and counting I forget the hell I experienced. This was a glorious reminder to me of how wonderful it feels to have conquered the battle against the bottle and to be on the lookout always, for it’s trickery. Thank you. ❤
Thank you, Janet. I just want people who are still stuck in that life to know how much better it is on the other side!💕
This is wonderful. Filled me with so much hope. x
Thank you! 💕