As a response to the lack of structure in my life at the close of 2021, I started this year with a makeover. I set intentions for my mind, body and spirit. I came up with a meal matrix, no joke, to rid myself of the weekly conundrum of what to make for dinner. And I am now formally embracing the idea to have a Word of the Month, as a focal point for my often-wandering thoughts and waning energy. The word I chose for January is Less.
The word Less came floating though my mind often in the first few weeks of the month, probably as a reaction to December’s crazy excess. I needed to simplify, declutter, and focus my mind. I needed Less.
So what does Less look like in day-to-day living? For me, I’m opting for less social media and mindless games on my phone. Less time being sedentary and watching television. Less baking and consuming of sweets. Less clutter in our bedrooms, i.e. cleaning out my son’s sock drawer and getting rid of all the singles. Less decor (as my Christmas decorations now need their own storage shed). Less time thinking about “what ifs” and other situations that are out of my control. Less hustle and saying yes to please others. Just less.
This month is a nod to minimalism and the art of less. Of realizing and remembering that less is more. I found some quotes about the concept of less and my favorites are:
“Don’t confuse having less with being less, having more with being more, or what you have with who you are.”
Fear less, hope more. Eat less, chew more. Whine less, breathe more. Talk less, say more. Hate less, love more, and good things shall be yours.
Swedish proverb
So this month, when my motivation is low, or my temptations are high, I think about the word Less, and how I can make positive or healthy decisions based on this minimalist perspective. Plus, my closet is looking a whole lot better!
What do you need less of these days?
I need less of a “noisy mind”. Reading Untethered Soul and trying to fall behind the noise.
I’ve heard that book is great and it’s on my list. Let me know how you like it. Less noisy mind is a great one! Hugs.
For me the first thing I think of is basement clutter. It’s all tedious things now to group together, clean up and sell. Part of the reason I don’t work out down there is it’s a clutter mess from being flooded 3 times. All is on pallets and dry now however so disorganized. Not inviting at all. Less for me would be get control of the basement to get ride of things and get my work out area back. Great blog!
Sounds like a worthy project! I hope you have the energy and motivation to follow through! Hugs.
Will take some time with work however I have a goal to pay off a bill so that’s another motivator for me!
Yes! I’m on a de-cluttering streak, too. Less is definitely more sometimes. xo
I agree. It frees up space to breathe! Hugs to you.
Clothes! I love them, and I have too many!
That’s the only thing I have too much of!
Yes I needed to purge my closet (but I always look for something I gave away after I do it). Hugs to you!
less worry, more trust…i tend to get caught in a cycle when things arent going according to plan and i know i need to just stop my mind from spinning out of control..and ( i dont say this often out loud) trust God. Thats been my focus this week.:)
Yes to that! There are so many opportunities, these days, to trust God, if only because we have no control over what’s going on. Hope you are doing well. Hugs.