Sunday Meditation: A Beautiful Gift

And never let ugly or hateful words come from your mouth, but instead let your words become beautiful gifts that encourage others; do this by speaking words of grace to help them.

Ephesians 4:29 TPT

Whether you are the victim or the offender, every one of us has experienced the devastation of ugly, hateful words. I’ve been the recipient of cruel comments that still haunt the corners of my mind, years or decades later. And I shamefully admit that I have carelessly, or in anger, flung about hurtful words that have filled me with regret long after they faded away.

The thing about hateful words is that they wound both the afflicted and the afflicter; heart wounds that never quite heal. And the air is full of divisive, judgmental, and downright abusive words these days.

In light of this truth, one often wonders what can be done to make things better, to take away the hurt, or make life a better place to be and bring up children.

Today I’ve decided to focus all my energies on counteracting the destructiveness of words. According to Paul in Ephesians, words can also be “beautiful gifts” that encourage others. And that is what I want my words to be.

I have always considered writing as my strength, or even my talent, but I have never thought of it as a gift. I am beginning to realize that God gave me the gift of beautiful words so that I can give them away. So that I can shower others with encouragement and grace. My hope is that through my words, people will feel loved and understood. This is the desire of my heart.

A Beautiful Reminder

I don’t know what you are struggling with today, but I am willing to bet that in many ways, life is not easy. So I wanted to reach out and give you, dear readers, a beautiful gift.

Please remember, though troubles are many and mainly what we give our attention to, light always follows darkness. Faith is stronger than fear. And hope can persevere through seemingly endless seasons of drought.

Most important of all: love wins. Why? Because God is love. “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love.” 1 John 4:16. If He who created the world, is love, then love always wins.

If you believe this truth and claim it as your own, you will possess an inextinguishable light and inexplicable peace.

Today, I am asking you to remember your light. To remember you are loved. And to remember that difficulties can not only be defeated, but turned into triumphant victories and testaments to the power of love and light in this complicated world. You just need to share your experiences with your beautiful gifts.

12 thoughts on “Sunday Meditation: A Beautiful Gift

  1. Lovie Price says:

    very comforting…i too refer to passages from time to time for comfort and refreshment of my spirit..although i am hesitant to talk about my spirituality very often , most know where i stand on it. Good vibes here!

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