My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life. Psalm 23 NLT My daughter often comes home from school telling me about her bucket, and what fills it. What has come to be a popular elementary school theme, the bucket analogy is used to Read More
Category: Sobriety
I Dream of Drinking
Last night, I dreamt I was walking with a large handbag and inside I found an already open bottle of chilled viognier, a varietal I enjoyed a little too much. It was open. It was chilled. So inevitably I started to drink it, and along with it all the feelings of guilt over blowing it Read More
Chasing Delight
As I listened to a podcast on my morning commute, the word delight caught my attention and lodged itself in my brain. I’m willing to bet the term delight is not used often these days…but maybe it needs a renaissance. Delight by definition, is simply, to take great pleasure in. When I think about what Read More
Finding and Trusting the Truth on a Snowy Walk
I returned to my life-long friend the lake this weekend, and finally found winter. My husband and I took my daughter to Lake Tahoe to celebrate his birthday and play in the snow. I know the snow is a way of life for some of my readers, and far from being special, it’s more of Read More
Pruning to Produce Fruit
He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. John 15:3 NLT Today I finally got around to pruning some of my succulents that had grown forlorn and leggy. About a year ago, I watched a video on Read More
Roads Not Taken: Trusting the Path
As a young, bookish child, I fell in love with the Choose Your Own Adventure series. If you aren’t familiar with them, they are a series of books for young readers who get to choose what the narrator will do at strategic plot points throughout the story. If you choose A, turn to page…, or Read More
Sobriety is a Mindset
Sobriety isn’t a punishment; it’s a gift. It isn’t a counting of days; it’s a celebration of time. It isn’t handcuffs; it’s freedom. It isn’t what we have to miss out on; it’s what we get to experience. It isn’t an empty social calendar; it is an invitation to live your potential. It isn’t a Read More
Expectations on Life Expectancy
I haven’t seen or talked to my parents much lately. They live in the same town as me, and we usually see one another multiple times a week. They help out with watching the kids and the dog, and we enjoy sharing life and space. Toward the end of last year, my mom grew more Read More
Finding Meaning in the Wait
I’m continuing to live in the state of stillness and trusting the unknown in the new year. This quiet I’m drawn to, a waiting place, is starting to feel important. God often leads us into times of waiting so that we can accomplish productive inner work. There’s external waiting and internal waiting. I’ve experienced both Read More
No Excuse for Excuses
Excuse: (noun) a reason or explanation put forward to defend or justify a fault or offense. Recently, I wrote a guest post for my friend Barb’s lovely blog, about how life happens not in the occasional big moments, but in all the ordinary moments in between. And it’s not until we start to engage with Read More