Smoothing the Path

It’s a dark, drizzly day and I am still in a funk. It strikes me, whenever I’m in a funk, how the responses to all my funks in the past was to drink. Now, how do I handle these off days? Gratitude: Even if it might not be my natural go-to when I’m in a Read More

The Light that is My Son

A few days ago, I traveled to the Bay Area to a small private college tucked away in the affluent town of Atherton. My son, his dad and I had an appointment to meet the men’s volleyball coach and tour the campus. The coach and my son have been exchanging emails since my son sent Read More

When We Know Better, We Do Better

In my previous post, I wrote that we are doing the best we can. That observation, put into words by Maya Angelou is important, but so is her follow-up: When we know better, we do better. “But why,” I found myself thinking. I wrote that post because I am delving into the work of Dr. Read More

Doing the Best We Can

“Not all addictions are rooted in abuse or trauma, but I do believe they can all be traced to painful experience. A hurt is at the centre of all addictive behaviours.” Gabor Mate, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts Dr. Gabor Mate, whose above mentioned book I am about to dive into, believes that addiction Read More

Making Friends with Music Again

Yesterday, while walking the dog I listened to my music app instead of my usual audio book. Actually, I hit the music app by accident and the sounds of Tracy Chapman filled my ears. She just appeared there at random, greeting me with her sonorous voice, singing of smoke and ashes… I don’t know why Read More

Sunday Meditation: Filling my Cup to Fill Yours

My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life. Psalm 23 NLT My daughter often comes home from school telling me about her bucket, and what fills it. What has come to be a popular elementary school theme, the bucket analogy is used to Read More

I Dream of Drinking

Last night, I dreamt I was walking with a large handbag and inside I found an already open bottle of chilled viognier, a varietal I enjoyed a little too much. It was open. It was chilled. So inevitably I started to drink it, and along with it all the feelings of guilt over blowing it Read More

Peace on Earth

I am a pacifist, at heart. I come from a line of women who dislike conflict, are used to holding their tongues to avoid it, and consider mealtime a success only if no one disagrees. Unrealistic? Yes. Something to aspire to? No. In fact, my apologies in advance to my daughter… Try as I may, Read More

If You’re Drinking on the Daily, That’s Your Underlying Health Condition

I had a brief, socially distanced conversation with a friend the other day that I can’t stop thinking about. The conversation was great, blessed socialization, until the end. Her closing comment, delivered in her best one-liner voice, was, “Well, since you don’t drink, I’m drinking enough for the both of us these days…” Haha. The Read More

Rising waters, spreading flames

When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; The flames will not consume you. Isaiah 43: 2 The rivers of difficulty are rising as the wildfire that Read More