Month One Done: A soaring start

With this being the last day of the month, I wanted to give you an update on the Intentions I initiated at the beginning of January. Initially, I thought I may be focusing on too much, with intentions in three different areas (mind, body and spirit). However, I find that even if I don’t do Read More

Hello, Anger, My Old Friend

That old familiar feeling grips my stomach, and my breathing turns shallow. Thoughts fly through my mind and words hurl out of my mouth. I feel my blood pressure rising… And afterwards, the “cool down” when my mind and body refused to leg go, and the thought of a drink to make it disappear appeared Read More

January’s Word of the Month: Less

As a response to the lack of structure in my life at the close of 2021, I started this year with a makeover. I set intentions for my mind, body and spirit. I came up with a meal matrix, no joke, to rid myself of the weekly conundrum of what to make for dinner. And Read More

Freedom is Not a Moment, But a Gift

I lead a life of privilege in the sense that my physical freedom is not in jeopardy. Enslavement, incarceration, domestic abuse, or other forms of captivity are not my experience to share. I do know how it feels to live in mental captivity, a slave to my own thoughts and actions, and the accompanying feeling Read More

Intentions Update: A Pretty Picture

If you follow my blog, you probably know I’ve come up with a blueprint for my intentions this year concerning my mind, body, and spirit. I want to provide you with a brief update on how things are going. By far the biggest struggle is still the healthy eating intention. While the holiday goodies have Read More

Part Two: Who Am I? Typefinder

In my last post, I discussed Enneagrams, my results, and how this can be a useful tool to identify strengths and weakness. In my journey into self-analysis, I also took the Typefinder Personality Assessment, developed by Myers and Briggs. This assessment has been around since 1962, so most people have heard of it and taken Read More

Part One: Who Am I? Enneagrams

With the new year have come thoughts of what I want to do, and not do, with my days. I’ve built intentions for my mind, body and spirit. In this first week of the year, I am doing pretty well implementing them, but I’ve noticed a lack of focus or a sort of half-heartedness in Read More

Owning our Story

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do. We own our stories so we don’t spend our lives being defined by them or denying them. And while the journey is long and difficult at times, it is the path to living a more wholehearted life.”  Brené Brown Read More