The Prescription for Sobriety

I finally went to the doctor yesterday about my knee. I’ve been seeing this GP for 25 years now, and he also is the doctor for my husband, three children and ex-husband, so he probably knows more than he wants to about me and my family. I hadn’t seen him in awhile, so I shared Read More

What Does Living Look Like, Then and Now?

On Friday, March 13, 2020, the day of my one-year “soberversary,” the world shut down. I’m not a superstitious person, but sometime I will share with you about a Friday the Thirteenth I had years ago that caused a missed flight, missed wedding and a relapse, among other things. Anyway, back to this year. It Read More

Your Maintenance Light is On

Maintain: to cause or enable (a condition or state of affairs) to continue. To keep (something) at the same level or rate. To keep (a building, machine, or road) in good condition or in working order by checking or repairing it regularly. Confession time: my pants are growing tight. The skinny(er) pants I purchased after Read More

The Element of Self-Sabotage in Relapse

I’ve been thinking about relapse lately, and why it happens. I picture a weakened figure sliding down the steep sides of a slippery pit. A bird caught mid-flight and thrown back into a rusty cage. The loudness of silence, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Ask anyone who has a history with drugs or Read More

Remembrance of Things Past

Yesterday, I slid down the slippery slope of memory and floundered around at the bottom like a bug on its back. Normally, I don’t allow myself to dwell in the past. Much of it didn’t go as planned, and feelings of guilt and regret are all too happy to pounce, once I arrive. This trip Read More

What to do? Give Yourself a Break

“What are we going to do today?” This question has no doubt been asked far more often over the past four months. Prior to the arrival of the Virus That Cancelled Everything, schedules used to be packed, trips planned and looked forward to, and staying at home doing nothing was a rare occurrence. Now that Read More

This One’s For You

Hi There, I’m writing this for you. The one who feels stuck. Like a bird in a building, or a mouse on a sticky trap, Knowing that things won’t end well. I’m writing this as the voice of experience. One who has been there before, But managed to break free. And now wishes she had Read More

The Gift of Consistency

One of the things that hurts my heart about my drinking days is how it tended to bring out the worst in me. And how, as a result, my children were exposed to the worst me on a regular basis. The worst me wasn’t violent, but did tend to get emotional, snippy, angry, resentful, sad Read More

Trend-spotting During a Pandemic:

And How Being Sober is an Advantage We are living through unprecedented times. Pandemics aren’t new. Neither are dark times where humanity is tested. But to push a worldwide pause button in this day and age–where advancements in science and technology have brought us so far, so fast, and enable us to do so much Read More


I read a post on Instagram from one of my sober heroines, Carly Benson, that eloquently captured what I know to be true through my own experience. “To quit drinking, you have to change your mind about alcohol and what it means to you.” She goes on to say, “Sustainable sobriety starts in your mind. Read More