I still struggle. Progress isn’t always linear; in fact, sometimes instead of moving forward we stand still, or even backslide. Lately, it feels I’m losing ground. I am still sober and each day is another pace forward on that front. But the rest of it feels tangled and messy. I’ve completely abandoned my discipline when Read More
Category: Sobriety
Be the Light
I sit here early on a Saturday morning doing what I love best: reading, praying, reflecting and writing… all in the comfort of coffee and my little white dog. Today I am reflecting on the fact that I’m 23 months sober, how all we need is within us, and the remarkable words of Amanda Gorman’s Read More
When We Know Better, We Do Better
In my previous post, I wrote that we are doing the best we can. That observation, put into words by Maya Angelou is important, but so is her follow-up: When we know better, we do better. “But why,” I found myself thinking. I wrote that post because I am delving into the work of Dr. Read More
Doing the Best We Can
“Not all addictions are rooted in abuse or trauma, but I do believe they can all be traced to painful experience. A hurt is at the centre of all addictive behaviours.” Gabor Mate, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts Dr. Gabor Mate, whose above mentioned book I am about to dive into, believes that addiction Read More
Hi, my name is Collette, And I’m a human. Taking it day by day. Living in the present. Thanking God for this one, precious life. I’m a woman. Learning to love myself. Pursuing my journey of wellness. Realizing it’s all about perspective. I’m a wife and a mom. Journeying through this life with my husband. Read More
A Curated Life
The following is guest post I wrote for my friend Barb’s amazing blog, Letitgocoach. I wanted it to live here as well… Happy weekend! Most people make or at least entertain the idea of making some sort of resolution or intention at the beginning of things. Whether it’s a the new year, a birthday, a Read More
The Daunting Thing About Daughters
I had a busy day of work and errands, and I wanted to sit down and write, but my daughter had other plans. She asked if I would play two-square with her outside. She wanted to practice so she could play (and beat) the older kids at school. So I put off this post and Read More
Making Friends with Music Again
Yesterday, while walking the dog I listened to my music app instead of my usual audio book. Actually, I hit the music app by accident and the sounds of Tracy Chapman filled my ears. She just appeared there at random, greeting me with her sonorous voice, singing of smoke and ashes… I don’t know why Read More
This is the Way
My daughter is in love with the “Mandalorian” series on Disney +, and therefore, we watch it a lot. There is a character, which most people call, Baby Yoda, whose actual name is Grogu and he is captivatingly cute. The plotline in the two-season series centers around a Mandalorian warrior trying to get this adorable Read More
Why Keep Waiting for an Ending?
A friend of mine on Instagram, @soberincalifornia, writes beautiful posts about recovery. This morning, she wrote about how her personal growth has felt stagnant during this pandemic. “The truth is that I’ve used the pandemic as an excuse to ease up on the work that still needs to be done. I’ve gotten lazy in the Read More