In my previous post, I wrote that we are doing the best we can. That observation, put into words by Maya Angelou is important, but so is her follow-up: When we know better, we do better. “But why,” I found myself thinking. I wrote that post because I am delving into the work of Dr. Read More
Tag: love
Hi, my name is Collette, And I’m a human. Taking it day by day. Living in the present. Thanking God for this one, precious life. I’m a woman. Learning to love myself. Pursuing my journey of wellness. Realizing it’s all about perspective. I’m a wife and a mom. Journeying through this life with my husband. Read More
The Daunting Thing About Daughters
I had a busy day of work and errands, and I wanted to sit down and write, but my daughter had other plans. She asked if I would play two-square with her outside. She wanted to practice so she could play (and beat) the older kids at school. So I put off this post and Read More
Connection failed, please try again
Oh, Einstein, if you only knew… In this day and age, most of us spend long periods of time in front of screens. COVID-19 magnified this phenomenon by making nearly every face-to-face meeting virtual. In a matter of weeks, therapy, doctor’s appointments, staff meetings, school days, celebrations, support groups and church services were all being Read More
Peace on Earth
I am a pacifist, at heart. I come from a line of women who dislike conflict, are used to holding their tongues to avoid it, and consider mealtime a success only if no one disagrees. Unrealistic? Yes. Something to aspire to? No. In fact, my apologies in advance to my daughter… Try as I may, Read More
Sunday Meditation: A Beautiful Gift
And never let ugly or hateful words come from your mouth, but instead let your words become beautiful gifts that encourage others; do this by speaking words of grace to help them. Ephesians 4:29 TPT Whether you are the victim or the offender, every one of us has experienced the devastation of ugly, hateful words. Read More
A Letter to my Husband on our Anniversary
Dear Husband, I feel like year 11 should have come with a warning label. WARNING: You will be physically separated by 7,000 miles for seven months of this year. Life as you know it will change in big and small ways. You will feel lost, anxious, discouraged and frustrated a majority of the time… But Read More