Healing My Relationship with Food Part 2: The P.S.

I finished Abby Langer’s book, Good Food: Bad Diet: The Habits You Need to Ditch Diet Culture, Lose Weight, and Fix Your Relationship with Food Forever and for the first time in a long time I feel a sense of peace. I feel equipped to make some tweaks and healthy changes that sound good to Read More

Healing My Relationship with Food: A farewell to diets and diet culture

This week I stumbled upon a gem of a book that is destined to change my relationship with food. As I scrolled through Facebook the latest diet ad caught my eye. Of course it caught my eye; it was targeted for my gender, age group and current circumstances. Mid-forties women who are struggling with extra Read More

For Everything There is a Season

Anyone who has spent a large portion of their life stuck in addiction undergoes a major transformation once they break free. A course correction. A process of reassessing life and how it should be lived. An embracing of their true self; and of possibility. But it’s not clean-cut and tidy. There are pieces to pick Read More

The Kindness Cure

This morning, my friend Claire’s post spoke to me. It was a short check-in post, but her last sentence read, “this week has lacked the quality of kindness.” I mentally agreed with her, as my week contained worrisome doctor’s appointments, family struggles and my instructional aide hearing the news of her nephew’s death in a Read More

Two Years of Sobriety: It is what it is

I’m glad I didn’t have any expectations around my second soberversary because it looks like it will be a party of one. COVID life is a great teacher of harboring no expectations. And while most people mark March 13 as the day the world shut down, I mark it as another year sober. My husband Read More

Digging In…

My alarm went off this morning and I climbed back into bed and hit snooze. While I didn’t fall back to sleep, I reasoned I could scroll through my social media feeds in the warm comfort of my bed and skip my usual prayer and reading time downstairs. I ended up scrolling and saying my Read More