“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do. We own our stories so we don’t spend our lives being defined by them or denying them. And while the journey is long and difficult at times, it is the path to living a more wholehearted life.” Brené Brown Read More
Tag: acceptance
I Know in My Heart
There’s a difference between telling yourself something, and knowing it. My brain, and I venture to guess yours too, offers a steady stream of commentary to either pay attention to, or reject. Thoughts about things I observe, how I feel, what I think I want. Most of it nonsense, really. This is also the commentary Read More
Two Years of Sobriety: It is what it is
I’m glad I didn’t have any expectations around my second soberversary because it looks like it will be a party of one. COVID life is a great teacher of harboring no expectations. And while most people mark March 13 as the day the world shut down, I mark it as another year sober. My husband Read More
When We Know Better, We Do Better
In my previous post, I wrote that we are doing the best we can. That observation, put into words by Maya Angelou is important, but so is her follow-up: When we know better, we do better. “But why,” I found myself thinking. I wrote that post because I am delving into the work of Dr. Read More
Discovering Perspective by Looking Back
“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” Rachel Carson I went out to nature this morning. To visit the swans, Canadian geese, and coots. The fog passed around me in wisps. I breathed in reserves of strength, contemplating the beauty of the Read More
Rising waters, spreading flames
When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; The flames will not consume you. Isaiah 43: 2 The rivers of difficulty are rising as the wildfire that Read More
Remembrance of Things Past
Yesterday, I slid down the slippery slope of memory and floundered around at the bottom like a bug on its back. Normally, I don’t allow myself to dwell in the past. Much of it didn’t go as planned, and feelings of guilt and regret are all too happy to pounce, once I arrive. This trip Read More
Practicing Powerlessness
Wednesday afternoon, my boys came back from their dads. I emerged from my almost-17-year-old’s bedroom to find two towering young men with Nerf guns in my living room. Their fingers moved up to their smiling lips and I registered delight in their eyes. My heart leaped and I let out a small shriek the same Read More