July’s Word of the Month: Celebrate

So engrossed in the Pause that was June, I let July arrive without a plan, post or purpose. Catching up now, July 4, which is my birthday and oh yeah, the birthday of our nation, I am sharing my word of the month, which is, Celebrate. My relationship with my birthday and the July 4th Read More

At least…

I know it’s been awhile since I posted; all my new year’s intentions about every other day have fallen away. Drifted into the land of “I Should” like a lot of other intentions and habits I’ve cultivated over the last few years. If you’re reading today and searching for inspiration…you may want to look elsewhere. Read More

The Plain Days

I came across this quote and it whispered to me. I am not on the mountaintop or in the wilderness. I am currently trying to find a rhythm that works for me in the plain days. I am mostly back to my routine with the kids’ school, sports and work, except for more time working Read More

Scarcity or Abundance: You decide.

Anyone who feels led, or perhaps forced, to make a lifestyle change has the opportunity to choose their perspective. Do we want to spend the remainder of our lives putting in time and feeling left out or deprived? Or, do we set out on a journey to let our downfall transform our path into something Read More

Two Years of Sobriety: It is what it is

I’m glad I didn’t have any expectations around my second soberversary because it looks like it will be a party of one. COVID life is a great teacher of harboring no expectations. And while most people mark March 13 as the day the world shut down, I mark it as another year sober. My husband Read More

Smoothing the Path

It’s a dark, drizzly day and I am still in a funk. It strikes me, whenever I’m in a funk, how the responses to all my funks in the past was to drink. Now, how do I handle these off days? Gratitude: Even if it might not be my natural go-to when I’m in a Read More

Sunday Meditation: Filling my Cup to Fill Yours

My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life. Psalm 23 NLT My daughter often comes home from school telling me about her bucket, and what fills it. What has come to be a popular elementary school theme, the bucket analogy is used to Read More

Sobriety is a Mindset

Sobriety isn’t a punishment; it’s a gift. It isn’t a counting of days; it’s a celebration of time. It isn’t handcuffs; it’s freedom. It isn’t what we have to miss out on; it’s what we get to experience. It isn’t an empty social calendar; it is an invitation to live your potential. It isn’t a Read More

Blessings and Blemishes

My middle son and I were in the dentist’s waiting room so he could get sealants put on his teeth. I stared down at my swollen knee, still sore from my surgery last week. We don’t often sit together and talk and I was listening to him lament the phenomenon of “maskne,” or blemishes on Read More

Dawn Chorus

Morning has broken like the first morning Blackbird has spoken like the first bird Praise for the singing Praise for the morning Praise for them springing fresh from the Word Cat Stevens I’m reading a fascinating book called The Bird Way by Jennifer Ackerman. It’s a new look at how birds talk, work, play, parent Read More