What Does Living Look Like, Then and Now?

On Friday, March 13, 2020, the day of my one-year “soberversary,” the world shut down. I’m not a superstitious person, but sometime I will share with you about a Friday the Thirteenth I had years ago that caused a missed flight, missed wedding and a relapse, among other things. Anyway, back to this year. It Read More

Your Maintenance Light is On

Maintain: to cause or enable (a condition or state of affairs) to continue. To keep (something) at the same level or rate. To keep (a building, machine, or road) in good condition or in working order by checking or repairing it regularly. Confession time: my pants are growing tight. The skinny(er) pants I purchased after Read More

Doesn’t Add Up

Skinny doesn’t equal healthy. Full doesn’t mean fulfilled. Present doesn’t equal presence. Connected doesn’t mean connection. Anesthetized doesn’t equal pain free. A temporary fix doesn’t mean a solution. Escape doesn’t equal freedom. Absence of conflict doesn’t mean peace. Be aware of the twisted math we perform in our heads…sometimes it doesn’t add up.

Living in a Place of Mystery

Faith is a place of mystery, where we find the courage to believe what we cannot see, and the strength to let go of our fear of uncertainty. Brene Brown This year, I have spent a lot of time in a place of mystery, and now I find myself living there yet again. Embracing the Read More

The Element of Self-Sabotage in Relapse

I’ve been thinking about relapse lately, and why it happens. I picture a weakened figure sliding down the steep sides of a slippery pit. A bird caught mid-flight and thrown back into a rusty cage. The loudness of silence, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Ask anyone who has a history with drugs or Read More

A New Agenda

My husband and I squeezed in one more outing before I return to work tomorrow. On the agenda was a quick trip to the coast where we hiked and spent the night at a hotel on the ocean. It was an eight-mile hike, chosen on the spot and maybe a bit overambitious. When you read Read More

Sunday Meditation: Guard Your Heart

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23 Our thoughts, speech and actions settle into our hearts and, if repeated often enough, find a home. At certain points in my life, I have found myself off course, or on a bad course. It is hard to see Read More

A Letter to my Husband on our Anniversary

Dear Husband, I feel like year 11 should have come with a warning label. WARNING: You will be physically separated by 7,000 miles for seven months of this year. Life as you know it will change in big and small ways. You will feel lost, anxious, discouraged and frustrated a majority of the time… But Read More

Progress Report: 500 Days

Today marks 500 days into my wellness journey of sobriety and personal growth. I decided to check in with myself and reflect on my progress. We get progress reports in school on our academic journey, and since I’m a teacher my mind thinks like that. Although organic in form, I find it helpful to look Read More

Remembrance of Things Past

Yesterday, I slid down the slippery slope of memory and floundered around at the bottom like a bug on its back. Normally, I don’t allow myself to dwell in the past. Much of it didn’t go as planned, and feelings of guilt and regret are all too happy to pounce, once I arrive. This trip Read More